Back in 2012 I had my first of four children. At the time, I was a single mom and struggled to make ends meet. Starting motherhood at such a young age, was a challenge that I never imagined would be something I would have to battle on my own.
Trying to be a full time parent on top of working to pay the bills, was almost impossible. So I started my journey as a bartender/waitress to allow myself to have the flexibility of working in the evening and over night while she slept.
Fast forward to 2020. Now I’m a married mother of three children and don’t have the time to be gone daily PLUS take care of a husband, house and children. So I began my research on how to replace my income and work from home.
When I started looking into work from home jobs, I found that although it’s great to be home every day and work, you still have to be able to commit to sitting at a desk 8 hours a day, to fulfill your work duties. How do you do that when you have littles running around the house unsupervised?
So I started a new research journey and figured maybe starting a business would give me the freedom to not only be home with my babies without leaving them unsupervised but also replace my income and more.
That’s how I came to start my online business. I have been helping other women start businesses for a little over two years now with what I have learned and figured HECK… it’s time to share with the world! So here we are!
Let’s get to it. Here are 10 undeniable reasons why you should start your online business this year.
Top Reasons For Becoming a Mama Entrepreneur
Not everyone has it in them to start a business but as a mom of now four (and no more, thank you very much), I have come to learn that if we can parent…we can accomplish anything! So take a walk with me and let me show you why I think you need to hop on the train and become a mama entrepreneur today.

1.Freedom of Time
Have you ever showed up to work and felt like you are wasting your day being there? Or maybe you love your job but hate leaving your family for the day. With starting an online business, it allows you to have the freedom of time that you can’t experience while working for someone else.
There will no longer be anyone to tell you you can’t take a day off. There will no longer be someone harping on you if you’re a few minutes late to work. There will be no one holding you back from moving around your schedule to enjoy a last minute sun day out of the office! Need I continue on with the perks of starting an online business for the time freedom?
2.Work From Home
Working from home is crucial when you have littles and don’t want to be putting all of your hard earned money, towards daycare. Or simply don’t want to be leaving home daily.
When you start working from home, it gives you the ability to save money not only because you no longer pay for daycare but also because you no longer have a commute!
Aside from saving money, you can expect to save time as well since you aren’t needing to drive to work and daycare.
3. Be There with Your Kids
This one is huge for us mama’s that decided to become a mama entrepreneur. Missing out on time with your kids can be hard. Which one us wants to miss milestones because we had to be at work? Count me out because I do not fit into that group!
If you start your online business today, in no time, you will have the chance to be home with your kids and give them the best care they need. No one knows how to raise those littles better then their mama.

4.Greater Control
Have you ever worked for someone and had ideas to help their business grow? You put time and effort into these ideas, make it happen for your employer and then perhaps don’t receive the credit you deserve or control of the situation? Been there done that.
With an online business, you don’t have to worry about this. You have FULL CONTROL! You have the ability to make the changes you feel you need to help your business strive. You get to take all of the recognition when these changes make a difference.
5. Extra Income
Week after week, typically someone working a 9-5, knows exactly what their paycheck is going to be. They don’t have much room to bring in any extra but of course if they take a day off here or there, they can expect a smaller paycheck.
That’s not the case when you start an online business. You have the ultimate control over what you are bringing in monthly. You have control over the amount of time you spend on your business which gives the control to scale your paycheck to whatever you’d like it to be.
6.Work-life Balance
Imagine a world where you can spend as much time with your kids, as you do at work. Believe me, it’s possible!
When you start an online business, you open up your time and give yourself the freedom of working when you chose. This means that if you want to spend the first half of the day working on your business and the second half with your family, you sure can.
If you want to take your weekend days mid week rather then on Saturday and Sunday, you can. I find this to be so helpful because sometimes there are events midweek that I don’t want to miss so it’s great to be able to throw in a few extra work hours where ever I see fit.
7. Teach Your Children
As a young adult I was always taught that the step after high school, is to go to college and get a degree so I could get a good paying job. Now I look back on that and see that all I accomplished from going to college was a whole lot of student loans and the struggle to find a job I was passionate about.
***By NO MEANS am I saying that college is the wrong route, this is strictly my opinion!***
Why not break that streak and teach our kids the skills of being a business owner at a young age so they can follow in our foot steps and start their adult lives with freedom?
8.Low Start Up Costs
Not everyone is capable of having funds laying around to start a business. I will tell you right now, I fell into that boat. As a mother of a soccer team (LOL), I wasn’t able to save thousands to put towards my new business.
And I found out that that’s totally okay! There are options out there, that allows you start an online business with LITTLE TO NO MONEY!
9.Generational Wealth
Starting an online business allows you to have something to pass down to your kids. Maybe they may not want to take the time to get something started on their own (this shouldn’t be the case if we leaned more on tip 7, right?)

But if that’s the case then no worries since we can’t be here forever! Take your business and get it to a profitable place now. Hand it down to your kids when they are old enough to understand and handle all things business wise. And boom. Now they have a business to also one day pass down to their own kids.
10. Lots of Business Options
When you start an online business, you have many options for which route to take. You can start a coaching business. You can create printables to sell. You can start a blog. You can start a virtual assistant business.
The options are limitless.
So how do you decide? Figure out what it is that you are passionate about! Figure out what it is that you could spend hours and days and weeks and months and YEARS working on. Then work towards coming up with a business plan to put some things in order!
Have I inspired you to start your online business now?!
If the answer is yes, then I have a gift for you!
Download this business roadmap to help you quickly piece a few things together.